Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome, 2010. I feel like my life should be all futuristic and marvelous, seeing as we're now a decade removed from the nineteen-anything's. Then again, I do fly around the West Coast fixing robots, keep in touch with my brother -- who lives a third of the world away -- via computer, and can google anything from my cell phone. Add in those awesome little USB drives barely bigger than a chiclet, and think we may have accomplished much of the vaunted Future from twentieth century science fiction movies.

A lot of people have lodged heavy complaints against the last ten years, and I feel somewhat alone in being rather happy with them. Sure, it wasn't all sunshine and lollipops, but I accomplished several large life goals and learned many things in the process.

I'm not making resolutions this year, but I'm definitely looking for the next broad swath of milestones I hope to pass in the coming decade. For the shorter term, I hope to support M through his college years, maybe land a promotion at work (or a new job altogether), and go back to spending less money each year than we earn. Oof. Our savings to a big hit this year, and we need to let them recover.

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