Sunday, December 13, 2009

Around the house...

Well, we're back from Hawaii, and ended up jumping right back into the swing of things. I've been busy with work, trying to knock out end of the year revenue recognition and odd jobs that no one else can tackle (I don't actually believe I'm the only one who can do them... I think everyone else just waited for me to get back from vacation so they'd have somebody to dump them on). We're still re-organizing, and the re-org chart is tied up in red tape, so I still don't know what my job description or title will be when the dust settles. Fun times.

M's got finals next week, but he's technically finished two of his three classes already. Due to the inclement weather (and Murphy's Law), we may be acquiring a new/used/different vehicle soonish. No, we don't need suggestions, advice, or opinions on what to get. We're ambivalent enough already, and fully capable of doing our own research & comparison shopping.

We finally got a bedframe to go with the new mattress from February, so our bed no longer slides off the rails at annoyingly small hours of the morning. We replaced the oldest windows in the house with nice retro-fit ones, in time to get the tax rebate and before the worst cold of the year hit. It's been just over 24 hours since they went in, and the temperature in the house is infinitely more stable than before. Also, they look far less ghetto than the old ones.

It has been a frighteningly expensive year, and it's not over yet. Hopefully we'll get a nice end of the year bonus to offset the initial auto expenses, and a nice Tax Return, too. If we end up owing the government money at this point, I'll probably cry.

We have yet to start our Christmas shopping or bake any cookies. Happy Holidays? Well, I'll have time for all of that when I get off work on the 23rd. BUSY, busy, busy! That's how we roll.

~K & M

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