Bad. Day.
I have been working stupid hours lately. I am really anxious about my job. I am working with one of the Sr. Engineers today, and made a crack to one of our coworkers that D's talking me out of quitting... only my coworker didn't laugh. He said, "There's a lot of that going around these days."
The 405 N tried to kill me today. It dropped a huge drop cloth-sized sheet of plastic wrap on my windscreen. In the number two lane of 405 just before the 10. I could see out the top 6" of my window. This was in the new car, which doesn't yet have plates, and people honked and flipped me off as I tried to maneuver (with my emergency flashers) to the right hand shoulder so I could peel the plastic wrap off my car and keep driving. (I am fine, the car is fine, everyone's fine -- no harm done, except the spike in my heart rate and stress level.)
Understandably... I was a little late to work. And the customer was a bitch about it.
As of Monday, I will be working 12 days straight. Yay trade shows.
M and I had a fight this morning.
I have had a migraine all week.
Seriously, 2010, we are not off to an awesome start. How about we both take a deep breath and try this again. Tomorrow, I will work a reasonable number of hours. I will solve some problems, and people will be happy about it. I will not poke the robot with sticks (however appropriate it seems at the time) and I will not tell anyone that I want to quit my job (however appropriate it seems at the time).
In return, the 405 will NOT try to kill me on my return trip to San D. I think this is a fair request.
Also... esoteric driver errors are SO Dec 2009. Please cease and desist and move on to a new pain-in-the-ass error for me to troubleshoot.
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