Friday, January 22, 2010


I think we just got reorganized out of any warm fuzzy feelings I had left for my job. Not only did I not join the ranks of Sr. Engineers, I also did not end up a team leader, and I did not get to keep some of my more favorite rookies ... my new team is the two San Diego people, and two Texas people. They are not re-hiring for LA, which means I cover it by driving. I am no longer covering the Bay Area, where I have friends and family and favorite places to be after work.

Now I'm working the weekend for a trade show, and I'm pretty damn pissed about the whole thing. So let's not talk about work for awhile, please. And hopefully I'll find my head by Monday and not say things like "I quit" to people who can say "Okay!" instead of "You're kidding, right?"

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Somewhat random: I've had Fastball's "Warm Fuzzy Feeling" floating in and out of my head for the past several weeks. It occurs to me that this post may be why...

Hope things are looking better!