Monday, November 02, 2009

This week is all wedding, all the time...

Except that I'm baking this morning, because my procrastination patterns are that predictable. I can't even tell you how many finals-week-cookies I baked in college. Now it's the last week before the wedding, and I've refined my justification techniques (if not my procrastination style): I'm making M the muffins he's been craving.

Aww. So sweet. And sooooooo not running the errands I'm supposed to get done today.

After that I'm off to meet someone for lunch, and then on to those aforementioned errands. :) In my defense, I enrolled for next year's benefits, turned in my mileage totals, and answered a couple emergency emails this morning, so it's not been all fun, games and baking.

If you need me, call the cell. I'll be busy, but around.

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