Friday, November 06, 2009

Now is the time!

M and I are getting ready to pack up the car and head for the mountains. Next time I see home, I'll have a new last name. The last year has seem interminably long, but now that the big weekend is here it feels like time has flown. Damn subjective time courses. ;)

This week has been filled with last minute details and a lot of time to process everything. I was told last night that I seem calm (Hah!), and M seems relaxed (probably true). We'll see if the same holds through the weekend.

In about two hours, most of our wedding party will either be in cars or on planes heading this way. The festivities (rehearsal) officially begin at three today, and then just keep rolling time sometime mid-morning on Sunday.

Of all the wedding planning thing we did, I am most glad that a) we started early, made core decisions early, and paid things off early and b) I took this week off. If you're thinking about getting married soon, trust me: take the week before off. Ignoring my $Company phone has been blissful this week!

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