Thursday, March 18, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

I don't remember where we left off here (besides that it's when I built Maeve, but that's a hazy memory now), but it's been a busy month or so. I've been to the big National Meeting, and am reacclimating to work after the big reorg. I no longer think about quitting every week, which is a nice upswing. In fact, I feel hopeful and well supported at work. *suspicious* Let's just hope this lasts.

M and I are falling into a better routine with him at school and me working. By that I mean things seem to get more or less done, and there's less general nagging. And I feel less jealous of his free time and social life -- but that change may be due to the fact that January was horrendous at work, and I'm just now recovering.

I've spent an unholy amount of time in LA for work, but that's the way the work's getting divided just now. As I type, I'm sitting in Berkeley, so I can't really complain. Got to catch up with an ex-coworker and hear the flip side of leaving the $Company family. (And it has started to feel like a family again, which is nice.)

As wonderful as some parts of this winter were, I feel like we're coming out of a fog and things are starting to clear up ... just in time for Spring!

I accomplished a huge life goal sometime in the past couple weeks*, but to some of you it may sound trivial: I own a piano that I enjoy playing. It makes me giddy and feel that sort of awe & reverence for playing that I have missed for many years now (or glimpsed when I play borrowed pianos!). I still need to have it tuned, but I am very very happy with it. It's an 8-year-old Weinbach, 50" cabinet, in a pretty dark walnut stain. It's from one of the last years when Weinbachs were built side-by-side with Petrofs in the Czech factory. She sings. I love playing again. It's wonderful.

Tyr's 30th is this weekend, and we're trekking up to the mountains for a day. Im & Jess are coming down for the weekend. Big things are afoot, but that seems to be the theme of the year. I'm heading to Zürich for a week in early April (this is me, finally getting advanced level training in something!), we're trying to plan for Scotland & Ireland in 2011, we're looking forward to three weddings this year, and sometime soon I want to go see Scott in China.

To give you an idea of how crazy our schedules have been lately, here's the next month of weekends:
This weekend -- Tyr's birthday
Next weekend -- M's birthday
Weekend of 3April -- I fly out (also Easter!)
Weekend of 10April -- I return (with an accent & jetlag!)
Weekend of 17April -- ... piano?

* -- This is a huge life goal, because there were many years in my life when people asked me "What do you want?" and I answered "A house, a piano, and time to play it." I now have more than I bargained for (A husband, a house, a piano, and time to enjoy them all!), even we're a little scant on time these days. It's lovely when dreams expand and grow, rather than wither or whittle away!

1 comment:

Rosemary Riveter said...

Yay Piano!

I remember you stating that goal, ten years ago? So happy for you it's working out.